Table of contents
Some churches don't grow because they are too consumed with the status quo and others don't grow because it's not their time. In this article, I'm going to be talking about why some churches don't grow so that you can figure out what would be the best course of action for your ministry. So if you're a pastor and you're trying to figure out why your Church is not growing then this article is for you.
Wrong Leadership
Some churches don't grow because they have the wrong leader. Wrong leaders will lead to wrong results in the people it's important that when the eldership chooses the head elder of a pastor for the church, that they choose someone that fits the biblical description in 1 Timothy and this is because the Apostle Paul there highlights what is important to God, and that is a man that is like God in the things that he does, for he is indeed supposed to be a representative of God to the people.
But if you have a church, where the pastor is unruly, is committing fraud and all sorts of strange things, your church will not grow to the degree that it needs to and if it grows, it won't be growth that is pleasing to the Lord. So every church must choose the right pastor. And there are Bible verses with regards to that.
No Discernment
Secondly, each church must identify the spiritual gifts of their members. It's important that the church comes out of the place of only receiving to the place of being givers also.
And in order to give, you must know what you possess. This is why it's important for every church to do a spiritual gifts assessment to figure out what the spiritual gifts of each member are, so that you can use them effectively in the ministry by placing them in the right positions in the church. Nothing is as destructive as the right person in the wrong position. So you must discern and do those spiritual gifts assessments to find out where each person belongs.
Poor Music Ministry
Thirdly, some churches don't grow because the choose the wrong music. congregations are diverse and with this diversity comes different likes and dislikes. And so it's important upon the leadership of the church to figure out the type of music, hymns, contemporary songs that would suit the people that are there, as well as minister to the needs of those who will come in the future. There must be diversity in the worship service and this diversity will help the church to grow by leaps and bounds.
Lack of Prayer
And lastly, prayer is essential for the growth of any ministry. Without prayer, there is no power. It is prayer that strengthened the angels in Daniel to give him the revelation. There is little revelation without prayer. There is no prophetic sight. And so you must learn how to help your people to get the desire to pray because prayer is essential for the growth of any ministry.
Look at any ministry that is not growing. And nine times out of 10 that ministry is not a praying ministry.
Now I believe that if you follow these steps and if you identify these areas of weakness, that you can weather the storm and overcome the hurdle of slow church growth. Of course, the Lord is the most important factor in this and so it's important that you are led by the Holy Spirit to do what you're doing in ministry. God bless you